
The Power of God is in Relationship with Him

Written by Joe Dardano

Reading about God or glancing over the law of God is useful to build up faith. Reading the Bible is one option in this process. Nevertheless the experience of the grandiose power of God is most revealed in the living witness of believers. Yes, assent to particular doctrinal values is important. Christians need to profess that they believe in Jesus Christ as true God and true man, who died for us on the Cross and was Resurrected on the third day and ascended to Heaven. And that God offers eternal life for those who believe. That is Good News because if we believe, we have hope for eternal life in Him. True believers in Jesus Christ need to be on that same doctrinal page in order to be in fellowship in the Kingdom of God. They are drawn into the Kingdom by the power of God, mystical and invisible, yet it is real and authentic (2 Cor 4:18). Just as doctrine is important, our relationship with God by experiencing His real, invisible power is vital as well. While in relationship with God the Father and Jesus Christ his son, we develop an interior joy (Psalm 21:6) because we share in the divine power of God in our lives (Psalm 21:13). Hopelessness in life comes when we feel powerless to grasp or experience the good things life has to offer and when our desires seem far out of reach. The modern phenonmenon of youth spraying graffiti on urban property, a global trend, is an exercise in asserting power against a world seemingly pitted against youth and the poor. Such an expression is a universal sign of the thirst for the living God among the disposessed and among our precious youth (Mark 12:27). A concrete solution to ubiquitous despair is authentic Christian witness among those who hunger for eternal truth, a witness that points not just to doctrinal values, but to the reality of a living God in our midst and that this same God can lift up those who are down. Our God is not merely an image on a Cross or an idea, but a concrete living presence that transforms and renews our lives daily. Our God is not an idol but speaks to us, guides us and loves us even when we disobey Him. We do not deserve that love in our disobedience, but he grants it anyway because our God is a God of Mercy & Grace.

About the author

Joe Dardano

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