
Reflection on COVID-19

Written by Joe Dardano

Thank you all for birthday wishes. On this day, I reflect on the status of the world and me being born on this day; its meaning for me in reference to our global crisis. Today I am thankful for family and friends on wishing me Happy Birthday. Yes, I am an April Fool. But I am also a Fool for Christ (1 Cor 4:10). On gravestones you may have heard, “that it is not the dates that matter, but the dash in between the dates,” meaning what did you really do with your life? St.Therese of Lisieux died at 24, Martin Luther King died at 39, Jesus Christ died at 33. It is not how long you live, but how you live. The lesson I have learned this birthday, is to encourage our youth, promote life and look forward with hope. Live not for yourself but live to serve others the best you can, with what talents God gives you. If God takes my life tomorrow, I am prepared to go. If I get 5 more years, great; if I get 40 more years great. But my orientation is not the length of years I am granted, but the quality of years I have now. Am I healthy? Then Praise God ! Am I surrounded with family and friends? Praise God ! Do I have food on the table today? Praise God ! Can I offer an encouraging word to someone who needs help? Can I continue to plug away to make life better for others? Can I live in love and forgiveness today? Can I live fully today, knowing God has my number and He will call it in when he sees fit? These are the questions at the forefront of my birthday today. I am under no illusion that I can control when I die physically. My hope is that when my number gets called, Jesus has prepared a mansion for me (John 14:2). So, when I see the world today caught in hysteria over death, I know death comes sooner or later. In the meantime, I will enjoy life to the fullest. Thank you all for the Birthday Wishes and I pray this message offers you hope & peace!

About the author

Joe Dardano

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