The Bible is crystal clear that God wants men to stand firm in their faith in Jesus Christ. There is no room for the wimpy Christian: “for God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and love and self-discipline.” (1 Tim 4:7) In our weak, flimsy culture where passivity is rewarded and where approval of all ideas is the norm, strength for Godly values needs to be encouraged. In Matthew 11:12, we read, “from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force.” The lesson is we need to fight to enter the Kingdom of God, fighting temptations (James 4:7) and notions to remain passive about all things coming our way. We need to evaluate all things we face daily and ask “what would Jesus do?” We need to fight to put into our minds ideas and concepts that nourish the soul that work to bring good into the world and not evil. Evil is all over and when it pushes into our conscious realm, we are asked to put on the armor of God and resist. This takes an aggressive attitude of using force to step over temptations and with the help of angels crush demons the at lurk around us.