
Feeling God Has Abandoned You?

Written by Joe Dardano

Quite often when life turns sour the faithful cry out to God for help. The Book of Psalms are filled with such cries, pleading for mercy and justice. In Psalm 85, the desire among the faithful is for God to restore the fortunes of Israel to its former glory. Biblical scholars have confirmed that Psalm 85 was written shortly after the Babylonian captivity. A close reading of this Pslam reveals the secret to emerging from God’s wrath, reflected in the image of righteousness and peace kissing each other (Psalm 85:10). This imagery is telling us that “if we do our part, God will do His part.” We must walk in faith, doing what we can and allow God to fulfill His part in the deal. In verse 11 this is affirmed when we read, “faithfulness will spring up from the ground and righteousness will look down from the sky.” Faithfulness comes from the ground because that is the work of human action. When we act in faith doing all we can, then God will act in His time to shower us with good things, including fruitfulness & prosperity (verse 12). So when we feel down, and life is seemingly hopeless, we are encouraged to act as if God has already restored our fortunes. Keep taking actions of faith, believing in our hearts that God has already fulfilled His promises in the spirit. Then wait and watch God deliver.

About the author

Joe Dardano

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