Love and forgiveness are important currencies in the economy of God. If you refuse to forgive, your eyes will be shut to the mysteries and wonder of the Kingdom of God. That is why God teaches us to renew our minds and allow Him to tenderize our hardened hearts (Eph. 4: 17-24). The exchange between God and humanity does not flow that well when people hold grudges. The retaining of sins permits God to not forgive our sins; it is a fair exchange that God requires of us–forgive others and we will be forgiven (John 20: 23). This lesson was most clearly given in the encounter between Jesus and the Woman Caught in Adultry. The scribes and Pharisees wanted to punish her according to the Law–stoning. But Jesus pushed the intent of the law even further and asked that whoever was without sin should cast the first stone. They all walked away. So before we point out the speck in our brother’s eye, we need to take out the plank in our own eye (Matt 7:5).