
Who Will be Saved?

Written by Joe Dardano

In Romans 9:27 we read that, “though the number of the Israelites be like the sand by the sea, only the remnant will be saved.” The few whose hearts are devoted to Jesus Christ will gain salvation and see their lives transformed here on earth and reach eternal rest in Heaven. The Holy Scriptures also reveals more precisely who will be among the remnant within the House of Isreal. Recall that a remnant is a scrap, a fragment of the whole. Among that remnant will be the most vulnerable members of God’s people. The weakest and most defenseless of the whole are undoubtedly favoured by God to find divine shelter under His wings: “I am going to bring them from the land of the north, and gather them from the farthest parts of the earth, among them the blind and the lame, those with child and those in labor.” (Jeremiah 31:8) Note that among the marginalized are those in labor about to give new life. Nothing is more delicate or more precious than a woman expecting a child. Indeed the lame and blind and those ready to give birth need to be protected and sheltered from harm. They need the care of loving Christians on earth in order properly put into action the saving justice of God. These are the true marginalized, especially expectant mothers because renewed life and continual birth and creation is foremost in the mind of God. People are the crown jewel of God’s creation. A young child needs a loving mother and father to care for it, as the Catholic Church calls the “domestic church.” In this shelter within the traditional family a child receives the unconditional love that God gives to all His believers. Scripture should trigger our minds to think about who really are the vulnerable in our society–not the people who say they are marginalized but the people who God points out through His Word. 

About the author

Joe Dardano

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