
The Sin of Thinking Small

Written by Joe Dardano

The journey of God’s people from Egypt through the desert toward the Promised Land is a journey training people to think big. Why? The hope was to inherit a Promised Land filled with milk and honey, abundance and prosperity. God wanted His people to keep that goal in the forefront of their minds. Yet the path to that goal was through small, faith based steps.The trek to the end destination was NOT instant gratification; in other words, it did not happen overnight. Instead, it was a journey of “one day at a time” with the final stop being the grand dream of abundance. The purpose of the incremental journey was to build up the faith of the people. The training was geared to have the House of Israel be 100% dependent on God to fulfill this promise. This point is edified by the daily provision of manna to feed the people. Manna was a mysterious food provided daily by God to feed His people; but the food was only good for that day and storing and preserving was not suitable. The next day, God provided again, enough for the whole day. So I know you have a big dream God has implanted in your heart. What should you do? Take the first small step and then trust in Him.

About the author

Joe Dardano

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