
Salvation Means Freedom

Written by Joe Dardano

When you accept the saving power of Jesus Christ, it means you are free from the controlling power of sin. It does not mean you will quit sinning, because we will never be completely free from sin till we reach Heaven. Rather, the freedom you experience is a power that permits you to ward off the power of dependence on sin. That power is an invisible power, originating from the devil. In today’s modern language, many people consider this power as an addiction, repeated actions of self-indulgence in chemicals, sex or alcohol that attempt to relieve inner pain but invariably end up hurting ourselves and others in the process. Salvation in Christ breaks the repeated sinning becasue the chain that is torn apart is the control of the devil over each person. In Psalm 119:133, it is explained as, “keep my steps steady according to your promise, and never let iniquity have dominion over me.” It is that very “dominion” that dominates the human soul and renders it a slave to sin. Jesus Christ frees us from that if you decide to accept Him as Lord and Saviour today.

About the author

Joe Dardano

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