
Committed Marriage: a Sign of God’s Love

Written by Joe Dardano

In a few weeks, my wife and I will celebrate 25 years of marriage. In the past 25 years, I can certainly reflect on various aspects of married life, but Psalm 63:3 is the focus of today’s piece. When I read Psalm 63:3 this morning while praying, the power of married life came instantly into my thoughts: “Because thy steadfast love is better than life.” God is known for many wonderful things; one of which is His faithfulness. No matter what we do or say, what path we tread, God is always there for us, extending His loving arms to welcome us into His Kingdom of Mercy. Marriage is similar. As we decide to forgive, learn to live together in good times and bad, in anxious times and in peace, our love grows. As we walk together in faith, only seeing the few steps in front of us, we build on that love one step at a time. After 25 years, I see an edifice visible only by my eyes of faith and commitment to continue trusting both God and my wife. The love I experience today is a much deeper, more profound love. It is a love like the love of God, always there and steadfast, continuing and not giving up. That love is a glimpse of eternity. Its hard for finite mortals living in a finite world to understand eternity because it is outside of most of our daily experiences. But an enduring and loving marriage gives us a glimpse of eternity and it can be understood when lived in faith with your spouse. Just like when standing on the Top of the World Highway in Alaska, seeing tops of mountains when looking into the horizon, seemingly never ending mountains, marriage when lived in mutual trust and faith will offer us a view of God in our midst.

About the author

Joe Dardano

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